Stay Focused in the Fight

Steve Moore preaching.

1 Samuel 17:1-10; 26-29

This is one of the most familiar stories in the Bible. David, a young shepherd boy, standing around 5’5″ against the giant, Goliath at around 10′ tall.

David had not come for a fight. Often you will find yourself fighting a fight you didn’t expect. David was sent by his father, Jesse, to take supplies to his brothers who were in Saul’s army and to check on them.

The picture is two mountains. The Philistines on one side and Israel, led by Saul, on the other. Goliath would come and call out to Israel. Goliath came every morning and evening to remind them of the fight they were in for. Saul and Israel were terrified of Goliath.

If you’ll remember back to chapter four, Israel had thought they could take on any battle.They’d take the ark with them and they’d win with no submission to God. However, the Philistines killed 30,000 Israelites and captured the ark. By chapter 13, Saul’s army was down to 3,000 men, and now by chapter 17, Saul’s army had dwindled down to 600. Israel was terrified.

Goliath was intimidating. He would stand on one mountain and shout to the other. Why would Goliath not attack? Why would he only shout? Israel may have forgotten about God, but Goliath hadn’t. Some of us forget about God, but Satan has never forgotten Him. Satan hasn’t forgotten God casting him out of Heaven.