Leaving Jesus Behind

Steve Moore preaching.

Luke 2:41-52

Parents, have you ever left your children somewhere by mistake? Amber and I were in J.C. Penney once, and we both went separate ways, both thinking the other had Kaylee. But Kaylee was in a clothes rack. Thankfully, a nice lady helped her find us. All the thoughts of what could’ve happened were horrible.

I want to talk this morning about leaving Jesus behind.

Now, I can understand how we make mistakes as humans. But if you were to ask Mary, “What was your job on Earth?” She’d probably say, “to give birth to Jesus and raise him.” So Mary had one major job – to be the mother of Jesus Christ.

This is a unique story describing an event that took place during the childhood of Jesus. In Jesus’ day, every year, all jewish males were expected to travel to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover. This would have been a special time for Jesus and His family because we see that Jesus is now 12 years old. This means He possibly would’ve had His bar mitzvah on His trip to Jerusalem. You see, at age 12 in Bible times, a Jewish boy became a man.