If You Were To Spend Just 30 Seconds in Hell

Steve Moore preaching.

Luke 16:19-31

Some people call this a parable, but of the 38 parables Jesus told, He never called anyone by name. I believe there was a rich man and a beggar named Lazarus. Jesus never revealed the rich man’s name. Perhaps this is because he was someone well known.

Vs. 19-21
The rich man enjoyed all the fine things of life. On the other hand, Lazarus was poor. He was even in poor health. He was either carried or barely walked to the rich man’s gate. While the rich man faired sumptuously, Lazarus had to beg because he was helpless.

The rich man was too involved in his own life to worry about anyone other than himself. Lazarus desired just the crumbs from the rich man’s table.

Vs. 22
For the rich man, I would imagine a big funeral with all the important people in attendance. I bet there was speaker after speaker. I bet they spoke of him and how wonderful and religious he was. But the split second he died, he got a major awakening.