I Change Not

Steve Moore preaching.

Malachi 3:6

Our world has and is changing faster than we even realize. Amazing advances have been made in technology over the last 30 years (at least). Now it seems that the focus is to keep making that technology faster and faster (tv, internet).

Morals have changed. People don’t attend church like they used to. People aren’t ashamed of sin anymore – They used to at least hide it. People now have priorities completely backwards (everything before God).

Romans 12:2
Through divine inspiration, Paul wrote 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. If God felt that way then, He still does now.

Malachi 3:6
God has always been the same. In Genesis, God made man. God wanted a relationship with him. He said, “I only have one rule – Don’t eat from that one tree.” The devil tempted Eve, she tempted Adam, and Adam disobeyed God. What they did caused a separation between them and God. They knew they’d done wrong.