How Do I Get Out From Under the Juniper Tree?

Steve Moore preaching.

1 Kings 19

Elijah, just a couple of chapters before, allowed God to guide him as he listened to God. There was a drought in the land. God told him to head east and go drink of the brook. God sent ravens to feed Elijah there. Elijah stepped out on faith, and God supplied his need. Then the brook dried up, and God told him it was time to move again.

God told Elijah there would be a widow woman down the path who would feed him. After praying, Elijah saw God provide meal after meal for this widow woman and her son. Then the woman’s son suddenly dies Elijah took the dead boy to his room and prayed over him. The same God that gave breath to Adam gave it to this boy.

Elijah saw God’s power over death. Elijah saw how nothing was impossible for God.