Hebrews 6:9-20
Man cannot live without hope. When he ceases to hope, despair about tomorrow seeps in. If he has no hope, he sees no reason for living. Hope is essential for man to live.
But what about when we think about the big picture? If the only hope you have is what you will experience here on earth, what kind of hope is that?
Say that things change tomorrow for you in an amazing way. You win the lottery for $300 million. You can quit work. You can buy a fancy house. You fill the garage with cars. You have “friends” around you 24/7. You’re able to truly enjoy life.
But then let’s say your health remains good, and you don’t have any car wrecks. But age catches up to you. Now you’re 100, and you’re facing death. Where is your hope? All this stuff, you now realize, didn’t bring you hope as you’re facing death.
1 Corinthians 15:19
If my hope ends with this life, then how WOULDN’T I be miserable. But if I have hope of living forever, wouldn’t that allow me to look differently at death – either for me or my loved ones?
Verses 9-12
He encouraged them not to give up – to move on to maturity and not to become sluggish in their faith. He reminds them of God fulfilling His promises by using Abraham as an example.