Do You Need a Second Touch?

Steve Moore preaching.

Mark 8: 22-26

Leading up to this, Jesus has just fed the multitude. When they left, He warned the disciples agains the “yeast” of the Pharisees, but the disciples didn’t really understand. Jesus asked them about the feeding of the multitude, “Do you still not understand? Do you have eyes but fail to see?” The disciples saw in part, but they failed to be able to grasp the full truth.

Mark 8:22

This blind man did not come to Jesus on his own. He was not asking to see Jesus. His friends besought Jesus for him.

You have a choice whether to choose friends to party with or worship with. Just don’t expect your partying friends to be able to help you when the problems of life come your way. You need some friends that will take you to the Lord. You need friends that will pray for you and encourage you to keep walking with God.

Your friends can pray for you, invite you to church, and tell you about Jesus. That’s all they can do for you. Whether or not you accept Jesus as your savior is between you and Him. Your friends can’t do that for you.

Related verses

1 Corinthians 15:33
Romans 10:9
1 Corinthians 13:12
Matthew 5:6